March 25, 2020

Your Next Great Novel Episode 18 (2050: Psycho Island)

Join Denise and I as we discuss my latest release, 2050: Psycho Island (Book 1). We cover the following topics: -What will life be like in […]
November 23, 2019

2050: Psycho Island (Book 1) Chapter 7

***This is a sneak peek. Please excuse the block formatting. This novel has not been formatted yet. Chapter 7: Summer and The Resistance A knock came […]
November 9, 2019

2050: Psycho Island (Book 1) Chapter 6

Authors note: This is an unedited sneak peek. Please excuse the errors and block formatting. Chapter 6: Jacob and The Bilderberg Meeting The Grove Hotel was […]
November 2, 2019

2050: Psycho Island (Book 1) Chapter 5

*Author’s note: This is an unedited sneak peek into my upcoming novel, 2050: Psycho Island. Please excuse the block formatting and errors. Chapter 5: Derek and […]